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- From: mikeipc@igs.net (Michael Hickey)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranormal.crop-circles
- Date: 9 Jun 1996 22:56:33 GMT
- Organization: IGS - Information Gateway Services
- Lines: 43
- Message-ID: <4pfkr1$13m@nntp.igs.net>
- References: <4o4e5a$40p@host-3.cyberhighway.net> <4o7smj$5dr@kaleka.seanet.com> <4o8dq0$8oc@dfw-ixnews2.ix.netcom.com> <4ob8s2$3l3@host-3.cyberhighway.net> <4p7pli$ivm@daffy.sb.west.net> <4p9t9a$7vj@daffy.sb.west.net> <4pe8cr$abs@news2.cais.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ttyb08.ott.igs.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
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- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.6
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:86221 alt.paranet.ufo:52299 sci.skeptic:69402 alt.ufo.reports:9089 alt.paranormal.crop-circles:214
- In article <4pe8cr$abs@news2.cais.com>, cmoore@pacificnet.netä says...
- >
- >frice@stbbs.com (Fredric L. Rice) wrote:
- >
- >>Here in Simi Valley along the 118 freeway (the Ronald Reagan
- >>Freeway, no less) we have a fairly large crop circle on a slanting
- >>hill overlooking the freeway. There were no reports of lights in
- >>the sky that I know of and so far there has been little official
- >>comment on the phenomena.
- >
- >>It consists of a circle about 30 feet across with three dots inside,
- >>forming a triangle, one in the center and two above the center
- >>dot seperated to the left and right, and a concave parabala
- >>curving upwards just below the center dot. It appears that all
- >>of the grass on the hill that comprises the crop circle has been
- >>subjected to a grass-killing chemical.
- >
- >>I think I'll try to get a photograph of it and send it in to The
- >>Skeptics Society for possible publication.
- >
- >
- >Being close by, we took a drive out to see this Southern California
- >wonder. To see photos and an account of our little jaunt go to Carol's
- >Page at:
- > http://www.pacificnet.net/~cmoore/index.htm
- >
- >and follow the link to this special page posted on June 8th.
- >
- >Chris Moore
- >
- >
- It would seem that not only are people not satisfied with not believing
- in UFO'S or that there may well be interplanetary people manning these
- but to be rediculing this idea would seem to suggest some terrestial
- peolple do need a great deal of attention and have nothing better to
- do..!! How sad these peolple must be in their own life..!!
- IF YOU WANT SOMETHING WORTH LOOKING AT...? then checkout this really
- hot web page not like any in this world....it's COSMIC..!! really..!!